Monday, August 17, 2009

Week #47 - 17/08

Monday - 17/08
Quads with Craig - CSPC 6:00pm

Squats (high bar) 2x60x10 2x100x8 140x6 2x180x6 PB
Leg press 5x10ppsx15
Leg extensions 5x15
**PB for high bars. 180 today felt the same as 160 last week. Will go 200 next week. Would be ideal if I could work up to 220x6 raw high bar within the next couple of weeks.
**Alf was working in his newish shirt tonight, looking damn solid. I'm betting on a huge bench at bench nationals from him.

Tuesday - 18/08
Chest with Craig & Brown G - CSPC 5:30pm

Incline bench press 2x60x10 2x90x8 100x6 120x4 PB 110x6
Decline bench press 2x80x10 2x100x10 120x8,9 PB 100x15,13 2x80x15
Flat db press 35x12 40x12 45x12 50x8 40x14
Incline chest press (palms in) 7x10-12
supersetted with...
Cable crossovers 7x10-12

Wednesday - 19/08
Back with Brown G & Craig - CSPC 5pm

WG Pulldowns front 3x230x10 2x210x10 3x190x10
supersetted with...
CG seated cable row 2x96x10 96x8 2x84x10 2x72x10
Hammer strength chest supported 40x10 70x10 4x100x10
Btn pulldowns 100x8 120x8 130x10 140x10 150x10 160x10
**Great workout today, the chest supported row was a great addition. It's been sitting at the end of the gym gathering dust, didn't realise how good it was as a machine. It had a good feel and you can really crank the weights, will go a fair bit heavier next week I think. BTN pulldowns was easy and equal PB and as last exercise (PB set as second exercise and no intense superset before hand!). Huge PB coming on that next week, feeling very strong at the mo.

Friday - 21/08
Shoulders with Craig - CSPC 4:30pm

Seated barbell press 2x20x12 2x40x10 2x60x8 80x6 PB 80x8 PB 80x6 4x60x10
Arnold press 2x25x10 3x20x10
Seated lateral raises 2x12.5x10 2x17.5x8 2x20x6 2x17.5x8 2x12.5x10
Rear delt flies 5x10
**Arnolds felt weak today, don't know why. The BB press felt very strong though. The first set of 80 was a breeze, much easier than 70 last week. We'll go 90 next week and 100 the week after, pretty confident on that.
**Last night was a bit of a write off, felt a bit sick - too much lactose I think. Just worked up to 220x6 on deadlift and did some stiff legs. We'll do Good Mornings first next week because upper back is so fried after these intense back workouts at the mo.

Saturday - 22/08
Arms with Craig - CSPC 4:30pm

EZ bar curls 4x30x10 2x40x8 2x50x6 2x40x8 4x30x10
Alt. dumbbell curls seated 2x15x8 3x20x6
One arm cable preachers 5x10-12
Skullcrushers 2x30x10 2x40x10 2x50x8 60x6,5
Close grip bench press 60x10 80x8 100x6 120x4 (dead..)
Tricep pressdowns V-bar 100x15 130x12 160x12 2x180x12 150x15
**Tough week, gunna thrive on that rest day tomorrow.

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