Monday, August 24, 2009

Week #48 - 24/08

Monday - 24/08
Quads with Craig - CSPC 5:00pm

Squats (high bar) 2x60x10 2x100x8 140x6 180x6 200x4 PB
Leg press 5ppsx15 8ppsx15 10x11ppsx10
Front squats 60x8 80x8 100x6
Leg extensions 15x20 20x20 25x20 40x15+30x10+20x1

Tuesday - 25/08
Chest with Brown G - CSPC 5:00pm

Incline bench press 2x60x10 2x80x8 100x6 120x3
Decline bench press 2x80x10 2x100x10 2x120x8 2x110x10 2x100x10
Flat db press 35x12 40x12 2x45x8 35x12
Flat db flies 5x20x10-12
Incline chest press 2x80x12 2x110x12 80x15+40x20
**Been watching Arnie and changed DB fly form today, decided not to bring DBs together at the top. Seemed a lot harder and a lot better for the chest. Incline getting a bit stale will switch it up next week, maybe chuck flat bench in there but got a week to think about it.

Wednesday - 26/08
Back with Brown G & Craig - CSPC 6pm

WG Pulldowns front 2x240x10 3x210x10 3x170x10
supersetted with...
CG seated cable row 2x96x10 90x10 84x10 78x10 3x72x10
Hammer strength chest supported 40x10 60x10 80x10 100x10 120x10 100x12
Btn pulldowns 110x10 130x10 150x10 170x10 PB
**Wish I was bald like all the other guys in the gym so I didn't have to put so much effort into shaving my head.

Thursday - 27/08
Hamstrings/Lower back with Craig - CSPC 6pm

Good mornings SSB 2x65x8 2x85x6 3x65x8
Stiff leg deadlifts 2x60x10 2x100x8 2x140x8 2x160x6 PB
Lying leg curl 2x15x10 2x20x10 2x15x10
Standing leg curl 3x70x12
Standing abs 48x10 54x10 60x8 PB 54x10 48x10
**Lats are taking too much of a hiding at the moment to deadlift with that superset the day before, so we added the Safety Squat Bar GMs today. Weights are almost embarrassing light and I don't like this exercise. Just have to stick with it and remind myself I could probably deadlift 310kg raw at the moment even with this glaring weakness, so getting this exercise to a respectable level should give my deadlift an extra boost.
**Snuck in a cheeky PB on stiff legs, will go 180 next week & generally heavier on everything else.

Friday - 28/08
Shoulders with Craig - CSPC 4:30pm

Seated barbell press 2x20x12 2x40x10 2x60x8 80x6 90x6 PB 2x80x8 70x10,8
Front raise 2x12.5x8 2x15x8 2x17.5x8 2x15x8 2x12.5x10
Seated lateral raises 6x12.5x16
Cable lateral raises 3x30x12
Rear delt flies 3x12.5x15
**Barbell press continuing to make huge jumps, 100 next week or week after. Could maybe even ride this to 110 in the next few weeks. Repping 140 on these would be a great place to be (not in the short-term though, obviously!).

Saturday - 29/08
Arms with Craig - CSPC 9:30am

Skullcrushers 2x20x10 2x30x10 2x40x10 2x50x6 60x6 70x3 PB
Close grip bench press 60x10 80x10 100x6 2x120x6 100x8
Tricep pressdowns V-bar 4x100x10
supersetted with...
Rope extensions (high cable) 4x10
Close grip preachers 4x30x10
supersetted with...
EZ bar curls 4x30x10
DB curls 12.5x10 15x8 17.5x8 20x8
Cable curls 3x20


  1. Yeah us guys whose hair falls out all by itself are lucky eh bro! People that go to hair loss clinics are ungrateful wankers
