Monday, September 21, 2009

Week #52 - 21/09

Monday - 21/09
Quads with Craig and Brown G - Eastside Barbell 6:00pm

Squats (high bar) 2x60x10 2x100x10 *belt* 140x6 180x8 PB 180x9 PB
Front squats 2x60x8 2x80x8 2x100x8 120x4 PB
Leg extensions 5 sets finishing on 50x20
**180x8 PB was hard so only expected to get 5-6 on second set. But I got yelled at so I ground out 9 reps. Headache and nausea ensues... Pretty happy to PB today considering I missed Quads last week due to illness, should smash these weights next week, although I've set the bar pretty high effort-wise. Back position felt a lot better today - chest was staying up. Those GMs must be taking effect already.
**Goal for front squats 120x8 next week, still getting used to this movement.

Tuesday - 22/09
Chest with Craig & Dion - Eastside Barbell 5:00pm

Incline db press 20x10 30x10 40x10 50x10 PB,10,8,7
Chest Dips 4xBWx10
Flat bench press 60x10 2x100x8
Flat db fly 20x10 3x25x8
Incline chest press 60x12 3x120x10+60x18+30x22
**Good train today, it was good starting off with the incline dumbbells but I was well fried afterward so decided to stick to BW for dips. Back tomorrow, probably one of my favorites at the moment.

Wednesday - 23/09
Back with Craig & Brown G - Eastside Barbell 5:30pm

WG Pulldowns front (palms in) 140x10 2x200x10 2x230x10 2x260x10
Seated cable row 95x10 105x10 115x10 2x125x10
Barbell rows 100x10 120x10 3x140x8
Hammer strength chest supported 80x12 110x12 130x10
Btn pulldowns 160x10 180x8 200x8 180x10

Thursday - 24/09
Hamstrings - Eastside Barbell 5:30pm

Stiff leg deadlifts 60x10 100x8 140x6 180x6 220x6 PB (belt) 180x8 140x12 100x20
Lying leg curl 10x10 20x10 4x30x10
**Reduced volume today as we have swapped quads and hams around so we'll be training hams again on Monday. Training alone so intensity wasn't really there. I was also slowed down by a nose bleed from that 220 set, extreme lower back pump from the high reps and my wrist being cut open by my straps. So in the wars. Looking forward to first deadlift session for a while on monday.

Friday - 25/09
Shoulders with Craig - Uni Rec Centre 4:00pm

Smith machine BTN press 2x40x10 2x60x10 2x80x8 90x7 PB 80x8
Seated lateral raise 2x15x10 2x20x8 2x22.5x6 2x20x8 2x15x10
Machine shoulder press 80x15 120x15 160x15 2x120x15
Dumbbell front raise 4x20x8+10x8
**Good quick blast. First week back at BTN press, I'm a big fan of these. PB on week 1 is pretty good, should make consistently good gains on these over the next few weeks as we get used to them again.

Saturday - 26/09
Arms with Craig - CSPC 10:00am

Close grip bench press 60x10 80x8 100x6 120x6 140x4,3
Incline barbell extentions 30x10 2x50x10 2x60x8 50x12
Tricep pressdowns V-bar 100x12 120x12 140x12 160x12 180x12
Rope extensions (low cable) 80x12 2x110x10 90x12
Alt. dumbbell curls 15x10 20x8 25x6 2x20x10 PB
EZ bar curls 30x10 2x40x10 2x50x8 60x6 PB
Cable curls 4x12-15
Close grip EZ bar curls 2x30x15
**Disappointing today on the close grips. Probably just tried to go too heavy too soon before adjusting to it again. Previous PB was 140x5 and I'm a lot stronger now than I was then. Might reset the weight to 130 maybe even 120 next week and do a lot of reps. Up the weight again gradually after that. The incline extensions felt good, sort of like a skull crusher but the weight is taken behind the head you get a good stretch in the tris. Good news is that bicep training feels spot on at the moment.

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