Monday, June 29, 2009

Week #40 - 29/06

Monday - 29/06
Chest with Brown G - CSPC 5pm

Dumbbell fly 2x15x12 2x20x10 4x25x8 PB
Bench press 60x10 80x10 100x10 120x8,8,5
Incline dumbbell press 30x12 35x12 3x40x12 40x20
Incline chest press 80x15 110x12 140x12 2x130x12=>100x12=>80x12=>40x20
Flat cable fly 4x18x10
**wicked volume and pump today. Chest felt better on flat bench after warming up on flys first. Will do the same next week.

Tuesday - 30/06
Back with Brown G - CSPC 4pm

WG Pulldowns (palms in) 80x10 100x10 140x10 180x10 220x10 2x260x10 240x10 220x10
Barbell rows 4x110x12 100x12
Seated cable rows (close grip) 5x96x10
Seated cable rows (wide grip) 72x12 78x12 2x84x12
Wide Grip BTN Pulldowns 120x8 3x140x8

Wednesday - 01/07
Hamstrings - CSPC 5pm

Conventional Deads 60x8 80x6 120x4 160x3 200x2 240x1 280x3ish PB
Stiff leg deadlift 100x8 4x140x8
Cable hamstring curl 4x80x12
Standing abs 54x12 2x60x10
**chest still really sore and cramped up on the last deadlift rep. I know I could have gotten it. But that's enough heavy deadlifting for a while, although I will still be deadlifting in some form every week - just more reps & sets.
**raw deadlift goal for the year was 300kg, which I have more or less achieved now without all that much deadlift work, just carryover from other workouts. New goal is 325kg. Should be a challenge but definitely attainable.

Thursday - 02/07
Shoulders with Craig - Uni Rec Centre 9:30am

Cable front laterals 3x12
Smith machine front press 2x40x12 60x10 5x70x10 2x60x10
Seated lateral raises 10x11x10
Cable lateral raises 3x12

Friday - 03/07
Arms with Craig - CSPC 4:15pm

EZ bar curls 2x20x10 2x30x10 3x40x8
Alt. dumbbell curls 12.5x10 15x10 17.5x8 2x20x8 15x10
Seated hammer curls 12.5x10 4x15x8
Cable preacher curls 5x18x12
Tricep pressdowns 100x12 120x12 4x140x12
Close grip bench 60x10 80x10 3x100x10
OH rope extensions (high cable) 48x10 54x10 3x60x10
supersetted with...
Rope pressdowns 48x10 36x10 2x30x10 24x10
**weighed in at 124.5kg today fully clothed and well fed. Started dropping carbs slightly, and I mean only by about 10%. Want to drop 5kgs over the next 10 weeks and reassess from there. No plan to get too lean just want waist size to come down a bit so my deadlift can go up. I'm doing this very slowly by only making slight changes to diet and activity levels, so I expect to still make strength gains in this phase.

Saturday - 04/07
Quads with Craig & Brown G - CSPC 9:30am

Leg press 2.5ppsx10 5ppsx10 6ppsx10 8ppsx10 4x11ppsx10 4x10ppsx10
supersetted with...
Leg extensions 8x1.5px10
Squats (high bar) 2x80x10 2x120x8 2x160x6
SSB Box squats 65x8 85x6
**weight is getting up there on the leg press, we finished on what we started on last week. Had a look at squats on camera and they looked exactly like I wanted them to. No question on depth, good back position and knee position. In about 6 weeks time we will do a cycle of doing squats as first exercise, so we can gauge our progress.

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